HOSP - Further Information about Hevena OS

About Screen

Some of you will be wondering what device this will be coming to during release. That's up to you or a dev near you! I need experienced devs that can port this ROM to your device and commit themselves to completely revamping AOSP. I was originally planning for the LG G3 to be the first one, but given that there are many issues with Nougat not playing well with the SD 800/801, I don't really care much anymore what device it comes out on. If you are a dev or know a dev that can help this project, contact them and me! See below.

As I mentioned earlier, I designed and thought up this Operating System mainly out of my own desire to make what android seemed to be lacking. Unfortunately, I have zero programming experience oustide of HTML and CSS (I built this website by hand). If you have any programming experience and want to help me on this quite large endeavor (I'd imagine this would take a pretty deep system-level programming), please contact me at HevenaOpenSourceProject@gmail.com. I would greatly be glad to have your help get this off the ground, as it has been a dream since my early childhood to design and build an entire OS.

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